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Autumn Rozario Hall
Jul 6, 20213 min read
Cottagecore Art; Pockets of Everyday Wonder
Rusty Patch bumblebee, Bluebell Bee Discovering #cottagecore felt like meeting an old friend. There is a certain coziness about it, which...

Autumn Rozario Hall
Jun 11, 20194 min read
Helping Our Native Bees; Flowers, Art, and Community
I know that the “save the bees” movement has become rather trendy lately. There is a lot of information circulating about bees, not all of i

Autumn Rozario Hall
May 23, 20192 min read
Wild Flower Bee Commissioned Painting Pricing and Info.
I’ve really enjoyed working on my bumblebee and wildflower paintings. And it seems you like them too! I’ve had quite a few people...

Autumn Rozario Hall
Apr 18, 20193 min read
Earth Quotes and Sayings Rooted in our Desire to Connect
I have a collection of quotes and poetry that beautifully express the longing, and wonder I try to draw upon in my art. These quotes have...

Autumn Rozario Hall
Feb 17, 20193 min read
Building an Enchanted Forest- Mini Mixed Media Exploration
I have always been drawn to the forest. Growing up, there were no proper forests in walking distance, but there was a ramshackle wood of...

Autumn Rozario Hall
Feb 1, 20191 min read
Prairie Seed Dreaming-Current Project
I first fell in love with the prairie when studying art at UNI. Wandering the twisting paths of the restored prairie calmed my mind. As I...

Autumn Rozario Hall
Jan 29, 20192 min read
The Whimsy of a Cicada Wing
I found my first cicada wing when I was about 5 years old. It was delicate, with one small tear at the top and being dragged away by a...

Autumn Rozario Hall
Jan 10, 20194 min read
An Artist’s Experience at Faerie Con 2018
I’m just going to come out and admit that despite how excited I was to attend Faerie Con as an artist, I’ve been putting off writing this...

Autumn Rozario Hall
Jan 19, 20182 min read
An Experiment in Alcohol Inks
I have wanted to try alcohol inks since I first saw them. I was drawn to the luminous color, swirls, and layering. When I heard about a...

Autumn Rozario Hall
Dec 1, 20172 min read
So I Joined a Committee
I love trying new things, but it can be hard to fight that inner voice that tells me to curl up in a ball, make myself small, and maybe...

Autumn Rozario Hall
Nov 7, 20172 min read
Embracing November, facing burnout and finding self care.
"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” ~Earl Nightingale When I...

Autumn Rozario Hall
Jun 9, 20172 min read
Prairie Days- June Newsletter
"Wonder may be found in the smallest of things, the most odd of places, or the most ordinary.” Hello, to all my followers new and old. ...

Autumn Rozario Hall
Apr 9, 20177 min read
Artist Spotlight- Alaine Geeding
This month I’m very excited to share an interview with fellow Iowa artist, Alaine Geeding. I met Alaine a few years ago and I first saw...

Autumn Rozario Hall
Jan 31, 20178 min read
Artist Spotlight- Heather R. Hitchman
This month I'm excited to share an interview by artist Heather R. Hitchman She'll be sharing some of her inspirations and talking about...

Autumn Rozario Hall
Jan 30, 20172 min read
Be Bold
Every day we make choices, and are presented with opportunities, some small, some big, but none of them inconsequential. I firmly believe...

Autumn Rozario Hall
Jun 30, 20161 min read
Seedlings, an Experiment in Simplicity
Time. I've been thinking about time a lot. Because of the birth of my son I now find my self with much less of time to dedicate to...

Autumn Rozario Hall
Jun 3, 20163 min read
To Build a Fairy Tale Cottage
You can probably imagine my excitement when I learned that my proposal for the Fairfield Art Association's Imaginative Little Library...

Autumn Rozario Hall
Jun 17, 20151 min read
Days Like a Passing Shadow, A new series
Tangled hair, leaves and twigs, moody muddy colors, pale moths, and duality. These are the elements I am working with to create my new...

Autumn Rozario Hall
Apr 13, 20152 min read
I Am Not a Brand
Small businesses are encouraged to brand like their lives depend on it. They are encouraged to produce products that fit into this brand...

Autumn Rozario Hall
Jan 29, 20153 min read
13 Faerie Quotes to Inspire and Enchant
It seems we are always grasping for that faint faerie music, chasing will-o-the wisps, and straying from the path in search of wonder. ...
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