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September Happennings

"Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder”~E.B.White

I want to take a moment to welcome all the new readers who have joined this newsletter over the past month. Thank you for deciding to join me on this creative journey as I try to share a bit of wonder and enchantment through my art.

I am Autumn. I help people re-connect with nature and their sense of wonder by creating art that inspires and uplifts.

I’ve had a few inspiring, dream-come-true moments of my own this past month. My faerie painting Floricane was accepted into the Fernie Brae’s gallery show Found Things From Lost Lands. My painting has flown to Portland where it will hang among other art including work by Brian, Wendy, and Toby Froud.

I was thrilled when I found out my work had been accepted. The Froud’s are top tier faerie artists who’s work I have admired for years. It’s basically the closest I come to hero worship. Brian’s art, especially the paintings in his book Faerie’s will always hold a special place in my heart. The show opens Sept. 23rd and runs through December.

I also have art in Future Gallery’s upcoming Hope show which seeks to raise awareness about suicide prevention and other mental health issues. The intent of the show goes along perfectly with the mission of my work, which is to uplift.

Speaking of inspiring, I’ve been working on a pinterest board titled Forest Girl Living. My intent is to bring a little bit of enchantment into the everyday and I’ve added everything foresty, DIY, and general eye-candy to the board. Check it out if you have a chance.

Lastly, I’ve been preparing to overhaul my studio space. To be honest it’s gotten away from me over the summer, what with the art fairs, and messy creating. I plan to cleanse, clean, and cozyify it into s space that inspires creativity.

I tend to forget to use art supplies that are out of sight, leading to the accumulation of more art supplies, and from there things become increasingly cluttered. So hopefully everything will end up labeled, organized, and visible. I’ll be sure to share images of the finished space. Just don’t’ expect them too soon, as these projects always take longer than you plan on, and I want to the process to be fun, not stressful.

Thank you for joining me on this creative journey as we head into fall.

May all your days be enchanted.



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